Here are the steps the existing Suppliers uploaded in the Eftsure portal from your Vendor Master File will verify their details.
Introduction Email
Verification Request email
- Click here to verify or copy the link to the browser
Verification Workflow
- Click Get Started now
From here, suppliers can either:
Verify their details with NZBN
Verify their details with No NZBN
- Verify their details with NZBN: Supplier enters the NZBN and pre-populated Business Name will show in the drop down list for the Supplier to select.
Verify their details with No NZBN: Supplier enters the Business/Personal Name
- Click Next
- Supplier enters First name, Last Name and Job Title
- Click Next
From here, supplier can either:
- Confirm their details as correct
- Report that these details are incorrect
Option 1) Payment details accurate
The Supplier verify the bank account details provided in this form.
- Click Payment details acccurate
- Enter the remaining bank account number
- Click Next
- Confirm the account name
- Click Confirm & finish
Option 2) Reported details are incorrect
If the customer allows suppliers to provide their bank account verification via phone or via the Verification Tool, the supplier will follow the steps below.
- Click Incorrect or no longer used
- Choose the reason from the following drop down list
- Depending on the reason the Supplier have two options
a) Add new payment details
The Supplier can provide their new bank account details during this verification process.
- The Supplier have two options on how to verify their bank account details with Eftsure.
Payment Account Verification Tool
Supplier can verify their bank account details securitly from our Payment Account Verification Tool. The supliers will see this option if the customer setup their verification process to allow their supplier to provide bank account details via the verification tool.
- Supplier clicks Select
- Supplier selects their financial institution
- Supplier enters their bank details and clicks Submit
- Supplier selects their bank account and clicks Confirm Payment Details
- Click Confirm & Finish
Payment account verification via phone
When selecting payment account verification via phone the following message will appear.
- Supplier clicks Select
- Supplier clicks Confirm & finish
b) Decline to provide new payment details
If the Supplier declines to provide the new details, the customer will have this supplier in their Eftsure portal with an incorrect bank account details and should not be making payments to this supplier bank account details.
- Choose the reason from the following drop down list