Here is the step-by-step document on how a Supplier provides their new details through a Change Request form.
Request to Update Details Email
The supplier receives the email to update their details.
Start Change of Details Workflow
The Supplier enters their details to create an account with Eftsure.
From here, the supplier can:
a) Indicate that the partial bank account details shown here are not correct or this account is no longer used.
b) Indicate that they continue to use the bank details shown here and I will provide an additional bank account.
c) Indicate that they continue to use the bank details shown here.
a) Supplier indicates that the partial bank account details shown here are not correct or the account is no longer used.
From here, the Supplier can either:
Option 1: Enter their bank account details manually
Option 2: Enter their bank account details using the bank link
Bank Link Security Information
b) Supplier indicates that they continue to use the bank details shown here and they will provide an additional bank account.
c) Supplier indicates they continue using the bank details shown here.
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